作者:小郭 点击:0 次
2023-12-23 16:57:56
后来,他发现李医生的利尿消炎丸治疗前列腺炎和附睾炎很有效果。在最初的阶段,他对服用这种中药配方表示怀疑,决定先尝试doxycycline(3 months) 看自己是都可以痊愈。在3个疗程的doxycycline后,效果不佳,他决定开始服用利尿消炎丸。
在服用利尿消炎丸1个疗程后,Hassan的症状有很大的改善。于是,他给李医生写信道:Good to hear from you. Yes, I believe the stasis has cleared & majority of the pain has gone away. I urinated out what seemed to be bits of semen. It was backed up & the medicine I believe unblocked it. I am so relieved. The majority of the pain is gone & I am so thankful. I will continue to take the medicine to ensure all pain is gone. I have been sticking to a very wholesome diet & taking care of my self overall.
在完成治疗并治愈后Hassan说他非常感激李医生治愈了他的疾病,特此写下了这封感谢信:I know it has been 2 years later but I want to come back to say thank you so much for the diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills. They 100% worked & I am forever grateful for it.
Definitely sticking to a strict none acidic diet is key. As well as consistently taking them as instructed.
I wish you the best & for anyone with the painful urinary or prostate symptoms to please try this medicine first. It cured my year long battle with nonbacterial prostatitis/epididymitis.